ON saturday THE 24th of NOVEMBER 2018Our Purple Popup Shed gazebo will be at the Winter Festival Street Market. Selling a few items like bikes, chopping boards, clocks and our new calendars, but mainly for exposure and info about our Men’s Shed and Men’s Sheds in general. Come along and chat with the Shedders about what goes on in the Shed and how it could be a great way to make new friends in a similar situation, learn new skills, pass on your skills or just for a nice cuppa!
Our New Calendar is up for grabs, so get one as soon as possible as they have been selling like hot cakes!! Please click the button below to let us know you are interested in purchasing one or pop in at your latest convenience down at the Men's Shed and place an order. They are also on sale on the 24th of November at our Purple Popup Shed-Stall at the Winter Festival Christmas Street Market on Saturday, All for the low price of £8. The Carnbo SWI were very warm and welcoming hosts as guest speakers.
Talking about Men’s Sheds and our Shed. We were given the honour of also judging the competitions and drawing raffle numbers. Roy and Glen were made very welcome and hope to keep valuable links with the ladies! Thanks also for your generous donation for our Shed. Check them out here -https://www.facebook.com/carnboswi |